


Your Details:
Your first name *  
Your surname *  
Your e-mail address *  
Your cell number *

Your child's details:
Child's Name *  
Child’s Surname  
Child DOB  
Child's Gender *  
Pick the School  
Tell us your child's grade/age  
  We will use this info to make your booking.
Health/other issues  
Would you like to bring siblings?  

I agree to indemnify Buzz *  

BUZZ Indemnity:
I give consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during Buzz activities. My personal details will not be disclosed to any third party. I declare that the information is correct. I hereby declare that I shall not hold BUZZ or its instructors liable for any damage and/or injuries sustained by my child while he/she is participating in one of the BUZZ activities. I also undertake to indemnify BUZZ and it’s instructors against all claims by me and/or any third party, arising from any cause or action whatsoever, and will not hold BUZZ and/or its instructors liable for any injury or loss or any damages consequent thereto sustained while my child is in their care. I accept that BUZZ and/or its instructors will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of my child. I fully understand and accept that all the BUZZ activities shall be participated in and undertaken at my child’s risk. I accept that my child's picture may be shared on some of the BUZZ social media platforms.