Niki Landella

Niki has worked in childcare and theatre for over a decade. After leaving the National School of the Arts with an FET in the Performing Arts, she volunteered at the Actors Centre in Johannesburg and soon after discovered her love of child care. She got her first full-time professional acting role as the Sleeping Beauty in the On Cue Theatre production, where she would spend the next ten years doing between 300-600 children’s theatre shows a year. Niki spent a year in the USA as an au pair, worked as a reading teacher and appeared in a few short films and adverts. She recently returned from Club Med in Mauritius, working primarily in the Petite Club (with toddlers), but also helping out in the Baby Club and Mini Club (4-7 year-olds). She has returned to Buzz, because once bitten by the Buzz Bug, there is no known cure.