The Buzz Foundation

The Buzz Foundation, a registered Non Profit organisation with Public Benefit Organisation status, grew out of Buzz. It was established to operate the same services as Buzz for disadvantaged communities. These services include, but are not limited to: drama, dance and singing workshops for children and teacher training in schools and early learning centres across South Africa. The use of Buzz’s original learning material and custom developed curricula for various age ranges, are employed to uplift and improve lives.
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The Buzz Foundation!

The Buzz Foundation's work fosters creativity (which is critical for problem-solving and building self-confidence) and creates a safe environment where emotions can be felt, supporting psycho-social wellbeing. We believe that particularly learners from under-resourced communities will benefit from The Buzz Foundation's workshops.
Dr Frouwien Bosman - The Otto Foundation, Chief Operating OfficerChief Operations Officer
Thanks to The Buzz Foundation who sponsored our children for a holiday programme. We are grateful to Buzz for giving back and creating an opportunity for our kids to grow their confidence and social skills. Our kids were proud to be part of the Buzz production at the end of the course.
Lida- Marie Saayman, Acres of Love, Home for HIV/Aids affected children
The Buzz Foundation was able to engage the children in drama, dance and singing activities, gaining their full attention and enthusiasm. They have a warm and fun approach to the children.
Tibby Martin, Social Worker - Child Welfare, Tshwane