Buzz Academy for 9-13’s

Dance: Body, Movement, Rhythm!

We start with a high energy warm-up, stimulation coordination and getting kidz focused. Then on to a variety of fun, physical activities, which promote body confidence, mind-body connection and posture. Next we challenge kidz with theme-based, fresh, boy and girl friendly dance choreography.

Singing: Listening, Communicate, Melody!

During this section, our aim to build confidence is woven into communication games. These extend creative vocabulary, vocal projection and articulation, while being tons of fun. Kidz are taught original Buzz songs, to improve pitch and tone, regardless of the level they start on.

Drama: Scenes, Characters, Improvisation!

Kidz explore a theme through improvisation games, characterization,, simple scene work and creative drama-based activities. Click here to find out which BAPA theme we are working on.

In these schools and offered independently here.