A Throwback to Traditional Values at Kidz birthday parties

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When that time of the year comes around. Time to put on a party. A kidz birthday party!

Almost every little person I know lives, eats, sleeps, breathes and dreams only for that very next birthday! That special day when they get to be an entire year better, bigger and older than before. It is their big YAY day and IF you were able to forget the date (impossible, since YOU gave birth to them!) they would surely remind you again and again. And sure, you, more than anyone, want to make it super special for them. But the pressure around children’s parties can be more than a little overwhelming.

It’s all been done (many, many times) before

As the super special date starts to loom in your calendar, you can’t help but wreck your brain, thinking: how can we be different this year? Different from what we did last year, and different from every other classmates’ recent party.

The average pre- or primary school class has about 20 children, which means you and your little ones are probably invited to well over a dozen parties a year. Apart from this being quite an exhausting amount of celebrating, the standard clowns, magicians, jumping castles and balloon sculptures are bound to do the rounds. And you want to do something different! Something really special and fun for your most special one.

Without breaking the bank

Keeping up with children’s birthday party trends and expectations can be a costly affair! After a special present for the birthday boy(s) or girl(s), the catering, venue, decorations, entertainment etc, can all really add up. Maybe there are siblings’ birthdays just around the next corner or in the not so distant past.

You would love to throw the party at home

But the thought of a truck load of little boys aimlessly ploughing through your beautifully furnished living room gives you heart palpitations. Imagine the wreckage! But venue availability is a nightmare and adds to the costs.

Good old fashioned party fun with a new fresh twist

Buzz parties is a throwback to old fashioned principles of PLAY. Interactive games and activities that draws on the child’s creativity and begs them to suspend disbelief and enter the world of make believe. Buzz party leaders are trained to captivate children’s imaginations and lead them on an interactive journey of fun. Without technology or gimmicks, every Buzz party successfully occupies and engages all party kids for an hour.

The activity is positive, safe and structured. Kids are taken care of so adults get an opportunity to connect, catch up and relax. Structured sincere fun. The best part about it? You can keep booking Buzz parties year on year from sibling to sibling. Why? With a range of ever-changing party themes and a ever-growing diverse group of Buzz Team Leaders, every Buzz party is a brand new, unique product.

See a little video link to Buzz parties here.

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